Estopa and El Shaklan influence...
The AV Arabians breeding program is based mainly around El Shaklan bloodlines, which we love for their absolute type and fantastic temperaments. Two of our broodmares are DA Sandala and Om El Sanadiqa (both by the great Sanadik El Shaklan). Stallions include the incomparable Om El Bahreyn out of Om El Benedict...
Georgian Arabians is home to some of the finest World Class Arabian horses. Owner and breeder is the internationally recognized actress Susan George. Clients come from all parts of the globe to see the results of her breeding program, including the WH Justice son SG Imagine and mares like SG Amber Djewel...
Various or blend of bloodlines...
Halsdon Arabians is home to a carefully chosen collection of Arabian horses. Incorporating a wide range of bloodlines, including Egyptian, Russian and the finest of Polish lines, Halsdons breeding program has included British National, European, Nations Cup and World Champions. Etnologia is just one of them...
Focus on Polish bloodlines...
The breeding program of Little Arabians is comprised of pure Polish bloodlines. It all started in 1998 when Jane began riding in Arab races and was convinced by the character, type, strong confirmation and powerful movement of the Polish Arabian. One of the broodmares is Ginea (Eldon x Gloria Zen by Wachlarz)...
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