
Arabian Studs in Austria

La Movida Stud

*copyrighted photo of Lara El Ludjin (by Ludjin El Jamaal)
*copyrighted photo of Lara El Ludjin (by Ludjin El Jamaal)

La Movida Arabians is one of the worlds most successful breeding programs. The stud is home to precious mares, including Porla El Bri (CH El Brillo x Porlamar), Luiba (Imperial Imdal x Imperial Kalatifa), Jytara El Perseus (Perseus El Jamaal Jylda El Jamaal), and the black Dominga El Justice (WH Justice x Pandora El Jamaal)... 

Mario Matt Arabians

*copyrighted photo of Lorenzo el Bri (CH el Brillo x Lara el Ludjin)
*copyrighted photo of Lorenzo el Bri (CH el Brillo x Lara el Ludjin)

Mario Matt Arabians is located in Flirsch, Austria; a small, idyllic village nestled against the backdrop of the Lechthaler Alps. The broodmares comprise M.M.Sandrine (by QR Marc), M.M. Estefania (WH Justice x Esfera),

M.M. Esplendida (RFI Farid x M.M. Eluise) and others. The stud is also home to the noble sire Lorenzo el Bri...

Diamond Arabians

The world-renowned studfarm Diamond Arabians started

in 1992 with the Crabbet mare Rawayeh.  With now only 6 broodmares and by using top quality sires such as EKS

Alihandro, WH Justice and Psytadel, Diamond Arabian´s offspring like DA Alihandra, DA Ariyana or DA Magic Moment are able to compete successfully in Title Shows…

Focus on Spanish bloodlines... 

Al-Qahira Stud

*copyrighted photo of the Barquero daughter HD-Escada
*copyrighted photo of the Barquero daughter HD-Escada

Al-Qahira aims to breed pure Spanish Arabian horses that combine beauty and functional performance.  Our most successfully bred Arabians are the bay stallion standing at stud Valeroso Qahira (L.M.Libretto x Bel Princess by El Perfecto) and the mare Espinosa Qahira - both very well-proven in sports and shows...  

*all photos are under strict © copyright protection and all rights and credits go to the photographer